Page name: Wiccaz Wing [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-05-29 22:58:50
Last author: Like Sun Through The Rain
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# of watchers: 7
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Welcome to Wiccaz Wing



I am [Like Sun Through The Rain]<img:>

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2006-01-10 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: Whatz wrong joe

2006-01-10 [lordjoesnow]: :(


2006-01-11 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: ZYea man!

2006-01-11 [lordjoesnow]: '2006-01-06 X~CrIsS cRoSs~X: Were IN LOVE!!! i love him more than any thing in heel in hevan and between i alwayz have alwayz will!'

2006-01-11 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: ...aww joe baby how did that upset u ur dateing vikiki remeber u dont even like me anymore

2006-01-11 [lordjoesnow]: don't tell me how i feel...its impossible to fall out of love with anyone...especially when that anyone is you

2006-01-11 [punx unite]: hey man shut thte fuck up!!!

2006-01-12 [~Acidelf3~]: whooo now.. chill out just chill out... im a bit lost on this whole thing.. ... but i do have to say that true love exist.. you just have to find the right guy.... eventually u will find u missed him or u will be with him

2006-01-12 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: um ok now dont fight ppl plz dont read the rulez not fighting ok joe letz talk about this on msn tonight ok

2006-01-12 [lordjoesnow]: see? thats exactly why i shouldnt have said anything but you all forced it out of me

2006-01-13 [~Acidelf3~]: we didnt force anything....

2006-01-13 [lordjoesnow]: '2006-01-10 ~Acidelf3~: WHAT IS WRONG FOR THE LAST TIME WILL I ASK THIS

2006-01-13 [~Acidelf3~]: ezactly last time i will ask... u didnt asnwer me the first tiem

2006-01-13 [lordjoesnow]: but it intimidated me

2006-01-13 [~Acidelf3~]: oh.. well i am sorry... i didnt mean to

2006-01-13 [lordjoesnow]: its tonight and im on msn but no shazy to talk to

2006-01-13 [~Acidelf3~]: im on msn..

2006-01-13 [lordjoesnow]: im adding you now

2006-01-13 [~Acidelf3~]: alright tahts fine

2006-01-13 [lordjoesnow]: tahts? lol

2006-01-13 [~Acidelf3~]: thats.. leave me alone.. lolz

2006-01-13 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: hey pplz calm down

2006-01-13 [~Acidelf3~]: hey no one is excited... leave me alone.. was just saying i cant spell so dont go messing with my spelling im dislexic.. i cant help it sometiems

2006-01-13 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: ok plz every1clam urselz

2006-01-13 [lordjoesnow]: we are calm what are you worried about?

2006-01-13 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: fightz

2006-01-14 [Dream to make belive]: yea wait what

2006-01-14 [~Acidelf3~]: hey sweets! i miss u max

2006-01-15 [lordjoesnow]: theres not guna be any can trust me on that one

2006-01-15 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: Ok i trust u all to be friendly

2006-01-15 [Dream to make belive]: *snickers*

2006-01-15 [lordjoesnow]: *joins in the sniggering* hehehe shhh! she'll catch on...

2006-01-15 [~Acidelf3~]: *lookes oddly at max*

2006-01-15 [lordjoesnow]: lol u do look quite odd ther

2006-01-15 [~Acidelf3~]: *looks at joe and wispers to both* Let me in on the secret

2006-01-16 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: HEY whatz goin on here *cumz in with handz on hipz*

2006-01-16 [Dream to make belive]: *snikers evily* Oh Allie gata you'll neevr know.

2006-01-16 [~Acidelf3~]: Maxie.. tell me *pulls on his arm*

2006-01-16 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: Growl

2006-01-16 [~Acidelf3~]: *gets on knees in front of joe and max* someone tell me please!!!!!

2006-01-16 [~Acidelf3~]: max if u get back online before i am here.... i am at work and i will be home around 8 so please be on then

2006-01-16 [lordjoesnow]: hey, max....shes done on her knees begging :P lol.....were just sniggering about my promise

2006-01-16 [~Acidelf3~]: no im down on my knees for .... max.. *winks* heheh

2006-01-17 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: um yea thatz just wrong ppl

2006-01-17 [Dream to make belive]: *smirk* Sisiter darling get lost

2006-01-17 [lordjoesnow]: perform ur fantasies where my eyes cant be scared thankyou lol

2006-01-17 [~Acidelf3~]: what are you guys talking about ... i am talking about shinning his shoes... god you have some dirty minds.... *smiles and laughs while looking into max's eyes*

2006-01-17 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: lol i think max was just bein a butt

2006-01-17 [~Acidelf3~]: no never max not my maxie poo

2006-01-17 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: lol

2006-01-17 [~Acidelf3~]: *smiles again and giggles insanly*

2006-01-17 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: oml jezz pplz

2006-01-18 [~Acidelf3~]: what *still giggling*

2006-01-18 [Dream to make belive]: .Smile is an understatement

2006-01-18 [~Acidelf3~]: very much understated... *throws arms around him and hugs him tightly*

2006-01-18 [Dream to make belive]: yay *hugs her back*

2006-01-18 [~Acidelf3~]: *kisses his sweet lips* Sorry eveyone couldnt help myself

2006-01-18 [Dream to make belive]: *kisses back*

2006-01-18 [~Acidelf3~]: *smiles and giggles*

2006-01-18 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: OK OK GET A ROOM!

2006-01-19 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: O lucifer whatz wrong now! im ganna delete that message so max doesnt see it

2006-01-19 [lordjoesnow]: what msg? :P

2006-01-19 [~Acidelf3~]: dang.. i didnt get to see it either.....

2006-01-19 [lordjoesnow]: :(

2006-01-20 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: the one about u wanting too die britney

2006-01-20 [Dream to make belive]: Hey, now whats going on?

2006-01-20 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: Everything

2006-01-20 [~Acidelf3~]: HUH.. oh i wrote in here.. oh... woops .. well max already knows i messaged him.. about it.......

2006-01-20 [lordjoesnow]: :O dont die thats silly...crisscross, u still got the convo i had with u? send that to her!

2006-01-21 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: BRITNEY how could u send sumthing like that to him he is in enough pain as it is he doesnt need you adding on to it stop sasying you wana DIE!!!!!

2006-01-21 [~Acidelf3~]: Shazzy look... dont yell at me because i wanted to tell him... keeping things from someone isnt good.. it put distrust in the relationship... i will tell him everything that is going on with me becuase he HAS A RIGHT to know....

2006-01-21 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: but ur going to hurt him

2006-01-21 [~Acidelf3~]: im still here right... thats better than being gone

2006-01-21 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: true

2006-01-21 [~Acidelf3~]: ok then how is it going to hurt him as long as i am still here..???

2006-01-21 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: justy saying stuff like that max doesn't need that

2006-01-21 [~Acidelf3~]: ok no offence to you but ur not max and you cant tell me what he needs or wants.. i know that if i was him i would want the love of my life to tell me what was happing to her ... the good the bad and the ugly..

2006-01-22 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: look i just dont want him hurt cuz then stuff happens ok!

2006-01-22 [~Acidelf3~]: its alright.. i know what im doing...

2006-01-22 [lordjoesnow]: no you realy don't..what is telling him going to help? all it will do is mess with max...this is something that you have got to get other by yourself bcos as soon as youve told max 'i want to die' u have made it clear in ur own mind that that is what you want to do and you wont be able to change it so dont you dare

2006-01-22 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: thank you joe all we r trieing to say is max doesnt need this presure if he thinks ur ganna knock ur self he will get deppred and disaper itz happend b4 and i wont let it happen agian! im not tring to be a pian im just trieng to protect him and my family from the pain of loseing him and from him the pain of losing you

2006-01-22 [~Acidelf3~]: Look everyone thinks about death at least once a week..... i have though about it.. but im not the dumb ass that actually goes and stabs myself to bleed... i dont ever go threw with it .. i cant.. because as soon as i even find my knife someone calls and is like are you ok?? answer no.. then we talk forever... by the end of the conversation im fine again... so its alwasy weird.. idk ok just know that im not going to ever be able to go threw with it.... max knows this .. and if he didnt.. he sould and does now

2006-01-22 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: .im frustrated

2006-01-22 [~Acidelf3~]: so am i

2006-01-22 [lordjoesnow]: still i dont understand why u even consider killing yourself...i havnt felt like doing that for atleast a year

2006-01-22 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: YES I AGREE

2006-01-22 [~Acidelf3~]: i have since my last bf.. oct 28 we broke up ever since then i have been wanting to .. idk its just like my world ended when he broke up with me.. i had nothing left and even now.. max cant get on much and .. idk if i can ever call him i would be to nervous

2006-01-23 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: u kno look max doesnt need this you kno he may not be able 2 move on his own cuz of his back he has enough to deal with

2006-01-23 [~Acidelf3~]: i know all of this... but still i feel as if i dont tell him i am hiding things from him.. i rather tell him everything then hid things

2006-01-23 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: .

2006-01-23 [punx unite]: VAGINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-01-23 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: CODY LEE KEEBLE WOULD YOU QUITE!

2006-01-23 [Dream to make belive]: jeeze

2006-01-23 [lordjoesnow]: i agree (cody, this is the 3rd time you have screamed out obsenities such as vagina and penis...grow up wont you?)

2006-01-23 [~Acidelf3~]: Yes look Max look all this Drama over one little word...................this isnt worth it..............and im with Cody.......... Lets go put a hotdog down a hole!!

2006-01-23 [punx unite]: lol

2006-01-24 [~Acidelf3~]: Cody i hope u know what i ment at that.. *wink*

2006-01-24 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: lol hey hey BRITNEY HEZ MINE!

2006-01-24 [punx unite]: lol yup i got what mean, but no thx, im allie's

2006-01-24 [lordjoesnow]: i don't get'll spoil the hotdog!

2006-01-24 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: AYYA I LOVE YOU BABY! and w8 r u talkin abut hotdog joe

2006-01-24 [Dream to make belive]: .

2006-01-24 [~Acidelf3~]: lol.. i didnt say the hot dog down the hole was with me.... maybe i want max for that.. *smiles and giglles*

2006-01-24 [punx unite]: lol

2006-01-24 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: Um ok then

2006-01-25 [~Acidelf3~]: ok ok here ill explain my sence of humor since Cody is the ONLY one to understand.... jo said Cody shouted random things like Penis and Vagina.. i siad that i was with cody and lets put a hotdog down a hole..... now replace hotdog and put penis and hole replace with vagina..... then you can understand the rest of teh comments

2006-01-25 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: i kno i kno but whos hotdog andwhos hole

2006-01-25 [punx unite]: lol nobodies, she juust saying what she thought, and she thought of it cause i said penis and vagina

2006-01-25 [~Acidelf3~]: Thank you... at least someone gets it............. maybe max's hotdog and my hole.. hehehe.. lol jk jk

2006-01-25 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: eeeeeeeewwwwwww to the second power of course i font mind if itz cody and i

2006-01-25 [lordjoesnow]: wait! Cody has a hotdog!?!?

2006-01-25 [~Acidelf3~]: OF COURSE HE DOES.. HE IS A GUY.. AFTERALL

2006-01-25 [~Acidelf3~]: and eww to the cody and you thing.....

2006-01-25 [lordjoesnow]: agreed

2006-01-25 [~Acidelf3~]: lol... but still lets throw a hotdog down a hole

2006-01-25 [lordjoesnow]: lets not

2006-01-26 [~Acidelf3~]: yes lets doooo.. *sings* hotdog down a hole.. hotdog down a hole.. hotdog down a hole.. hotdog down a hole.. hotdog down a hole.. hotdog down a hole.. hotdog down a hole.. hotdog down a hole.. hotdog down a hole.. hotdog down a hole.. hotdog down a hole.. hotdog down a hole.. hotdog down a hole.. hotdog down a hole.. hotdog down a hole.. hotdog down a hole.. hotdog down a hole.. hotdog down a hole.. hotdog down a hole.. hotdog down a hole.. hotdog down a hole.. hotdog down a hole.. hotdog down a hole.. hotdog down a hole.. hotdog down a hole.. hotdog down a hole.. hotdog down a hole.. hotdog down a hole.. hotdog down a hole.. hotdog down a hole.. hotdog down a hole..hotdog down a hole

2006-01-26 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: oml

2006-01-26 [Dream to make belive]: YESUM!

2006-01-26 [lordjoesnow]: ur rele bad at singing

2006-01-26 [~Acidelf3~]: Max will you put ur hotdog up my hole??? and no im not i am a good singer

2006-01-26 [lordjoesnow]: it wud have to be UP you hole otherwise we are talking anal here

2006-01-26 [~Acidelf3~]: .. let me fix that

2006-01-26 [~Acidelf3~]: That is really nasty..... the .. anal thing...

2006-01-26 [lordjoesnow]: u wud know:P heheh

2006-01-26 [~Acidelf3~]: No shit................ *think about that one for a min...* wow..... actually the anal thing is full of shit

2006-01-26 [lordjoesnow]: not true lol...ths hsit is to far up for anal sex to b full of shit.......what the!! since when was i the big expert on anal intercorse?!?!

2006-01-26 [~Acidelf3~]: i dont know but as you see .. i dont like it and dont care to konw about it

2006-01-26 [lordjoesnow]: well stop signing aobut ti then!

2006-01-26 [~Acidelf3~]: i did.... lol

2006-01-26 [lordjoesnow]: lol :P shhhh!

2006-01-26 [~Acidelf3~]: *noddes head* Lets not tell anyone

2006-01-26 [lordjoesnow]: ill try my best!

2006-01-26 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: um creepy...

2006-01-27 [~Acidelf3~]: sorry.. but no one knows what was written.. MUhahahah unless you can read our thoughts..... O_o

2006-01-27 [lordjoesnow]: i know waht was written :P

2006-01-28 [~Acidelf3~]: so do i but no one else does.. MUAHAHAHAHAHAH

2006-01-28 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: uhuh

2006-01-28 [~Acidelf3~]: lol sorry.. im sick im going back to bed

2006-01-28 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: o im srry ur sick

2006-01-29 [~Acidelf3~]: yah it sucks

2006-01-29 [lordjoesnow]: sucks what?

2006-01-29 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: lol o joe\

2006-01-29 [punx unite]: the imaginary penis in joes pants!!!!

2006-01-29 [~Acidelf3~]: hey now.. thats not was sucks... i do suck but .... thats .. not what i men.t.. actually ive never done that.... hmmmmmm... anyways.. it sucks that im sick

2006-01-29 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: yes there ya go and i have lol *snickerz at cody*

2006-01-29 [~Acidelf3~]: well.. thats a bit grose.. sorry...... idk i havent yet.. *looks at max*

2006-01-29 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: hey now thatz gross

2006-01-29 [punx unite]: comment.....

2006-01-29 [~Acidelf3~]: no u and cody is grose

2006-01-29 [punx unite]: no its not!

2006-01-30 [~Acidelf3~]: yes it is.. at least u know me and max wont do that for a long while

2006-01-30 [punx unite]: ...sure....

2006-01-30 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: me and coderz iz shexy! i just dont wanna magen max'z AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NAST NASTY THOUGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-01-30 [punx unite]: lol

2006-01-30 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: hey coderz my mum said u could call her mum now if ya want and she sayz hi

2006-01-30 [punx unite]: ok,

2006-01-30 [~Acidelf3~]: got lost with that.... right but u know im sure its not fun for max to think about u and .. cody...... NASTY!! *not about him or u jsut the thoughts* hey is there a number i can call max at? cuz he doesnt get on much

2006-01-30 [lordjoesnow]: yeh thats why brothers and sisters arnt supposed to get along! but u 2 do....its wierd lol, and imaginary penis is bigger than urs...and criss cross, how cud ur mum say to cody that ur mums mum will let him ring her :S....and acidelf, since wen was sucking a bad thing? being sick does not rapes! lol

2006-01-30 [~Acidelf3~]: lol.. i havent ever sucked. idk..

2006-01-30 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: uh ok and no no my mum sayz he can call her mum now az in mother in law u dork fish *putz arm round joe*

2006-01-30 [lordjoesnow]: i still dont get it *pokes*

2006-01-30 [~Acidelf3~]: i didnt get anything to begin with other than........ HOTDOG DOWN ... UP A HOLE HOTDOG UP A HOLE!!!

2006-01-30 [punx unite]: lol

2006-01-31 [~Acidelf3~]: hehe..

2006-01-31 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: o ppl these dayz

2006-01-31 [~Acidelf3~]: *smiles*

2006-01-31 [lordjoesnow]: hotdogs are quite thin....are you sure the hole will feel any pleasure with that kinda thing?.....wait....youve done it before!

2006-01-31 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: uh wut 

2006-01-31 [punx unite]: joe, just shut up, your too stupid for your own good

2006-01-31 [~Acidelf3~]: .. first.. if a girl is really tight it wont matter what is in her... it will hurt..

2006-01-31 [lordjoesnow]:'re too stupid...not your! spell it right! it is short for 'you are'.....and also, i was talking generally..girls can be very tight but not alot are(not that ive checked lol) generally, a hot dog would not work

2006-01-31 [~Acidelf3~]: well.. i am one tight bitch.. *oh sorry maybe that was tmi* anyways.. i havent done that however.. i think it would be.. and would work

2006-01-31 [lordjoesnow]: this calls for a scientific experiment, i'll get the hotdog, and ill even cook it if you like...i might have to get a variety of sized ones...american style and brokwerst sounds good lol.....but remember...scientific

2006-01-31 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: uh yea gross pplz um anyway sasuge

2006-02-01 [~Acidelf3~]: yah i dont think.. i want.. to experment... atleast not with u.. now.. maybe max.. *runs to find him*

2006-02-01 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: ah man this is sick shit ppl

2006-02-01 [lordjoesnow]: can we change the subject please?!

2006-02-02 [~Acidelf3~]: awh you .. fine fine just because i cant find max though... *sits in a tree arms crossed*

2006-02-02 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: uh yea

2006-02-02 [~Acidelf3~]: ....

2006-02-02 [lordjoesnow]: *chops down tree* thats for saying i cant experiment with you :P lol

2006-02-02 [~Acidelf3~]: *falls and hurts arm and cries* YOU BITCH... *tears* MAAAXXXXX!

2006-02-02 [lordjoesnow]: oh no...hes guna kill me!!!!!!!!1

2006-02-02 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: lol o u too BTW wicaz wing iz gana go under construction so b ready

2006-02-03 [~Acidelf3~]: ok.. cool

2006-02-03 [lordjoesnow]: construction?!?!?!

2006-02-03 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: yea you'll all like it I hope

2006-02-03 [~Acidelf3~]: im sure i will

2006-02-04 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: Well everybody check ou the new roomz ive added to the Wiccaz Wing Castle

2006-02-04 [lordjoesnow]: oki doki lol

2006-02-04 [~Acidelf3~]: i did

2006-02-05 [lordjoesnow]: u did? me 3

2006-02-05 [~Acidelf3~]: lol.. yah i say one is mine.. lolz.. i commented on them all

2006-02-05 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: kool

2006-02-05 [Dream to make belive]: wow big update.

2006-02-05 [~Acidelf3~]: MAX!!!!!!!!!!! i love u max

2006-02-05 [lordjoesnow]: i did that 2!

2006-02-05 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: huh oh hey max

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